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Twice a week for 3 weeks
4 - 10
Paper chasers

If it’s raining or very cold outside or there aren’t enough kids around to play together, it can be a challenge to encourage your child to get up and active. Why not try these fun treasure hunts to help keep your kids moving even when they’re indoors?

Scavenger Hunt

Choose different coloured sticky paper for each child playing. Place the bits of paper in several locations around the house. Whichever child finds all their coloured paper first wins.

Point Hunt

Each colour paper is worth a certain amount of points. Hide several bits of paper around the house and give the kids one minute to find as many as they can. The child with the highest score wins.

Paper War

Each child chooses one colour as their own and places several pieces of paper of that colour on a wall. In one minute they must try and steal as many pieces as possible of the other player’s colour. Whoever has the most of the other player’s paper in the end wins.

What you need

Coloured sticky paper



How it works

  1. Select one of the treasure hunts to play.
  2. Set up the game for your children and explain the rules.
  3. When the game is over you may need to help the children work out who the winner is.
MORE Movement Physical activity on a regular basis plays a crucial part in a healthy lifestyle. Any amount of exercise is better than none at all. And it doesn’t matter what kind it is either – running, jumping and throwing all count. Being active is not only important for children to develop their motor skills, it helps with decision-making, paying attention and teamwork. Tell me more!
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